The Red Room

The Red Room
Indie Writer's rejoice!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Demons of Granite Rock- Chapter 27

Received corrected proofs on Monday.  Looking good.  Here's another except:

After it was all over I was positive I had been told exactly what to say and do down to the very inflection in my voice. It was like she was there guiding me through it. Later I would wish her help, her love, her life force back again and be so very disappointed. But at that moment in time she was there helping me through it. And well, let’s face it she knew me better than anyone ever had.  She knew my lack of patience especially with idiots and she was just hanging out anyway so why not? She knew my saying about these set of circumstances,
“Take an idiot, place them into an uncomfortable situation, why it should be so uncomfortable for them I don’t know, and it just adds to their stupidity.  And it increases their idiocy quotient by 75%. Their idiocy quotient causes them to say the most idiotic comments. And my patience with idiots and their comments was about a 30 on a scale of 1-100 and in times of stress it was even lower.”
Who else knew that but her? Who else could persuade me into being civil? Only her. Or perhaps she lost her patience and guided me from my muffled, mind-numbing Uunhhh. Huhhs… And instead into words and actions, which was more like me.
The room was dark, though light streamed through the windows, everything was dark. Black. Cruel.

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